The Gumbo Incident is a three-piece musical ensemble dedicated to creating music inspired by the sounds of New Orleans. The band play numerous hits and misses from last century along with the occasional original tune. ...
Flying Home are a swing jazz and blues combo. The trio will begin with some slower tempo jazz and blues to provide the perfect accompaniment to your meal and then get the swing pumping and dance floor jumping, playing music made famous by artists such as Benny Goodman, Lionel Hampton, Billie Holiday, Louis Armstrong & Nat King Cole. ...
The Bird Conference is a quartet unafraid to explore every corner and depth of the jazz tradition! For the Sunday afternoon sessions at the Moldy Fig, join the group as they focus on hard-swinging instrumental and vocal classics made famous by the likes of Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra, and Ella Fitzgerald. ...
The Gumbo Incident is a three-piece musical ensemble dedicated to creating music inspired by the sounds of New Orleans. The band play numerous hits and misses from last century along with the occasional original tune. ...
HMS Caleb boasts some impressive firepower; from classic showtunes, smooth bossa, soul jazz and blistering bop, this quartet is guaranteed to get your feet tapping ...
Flying Home are a swing jazz and blues combo. The trio will begin with some slower tempo jazz and blues to provide the perfect accompaniment to your meal and then get the swing pumping and dance floor jumping, playing music made famous by artists such as Benny Goodman, Lionel Hampton, Billie Holiday, Louis Armstrong & Nat King Cole. ...
The Bird Conference is a quartet unafraid to explore every corner and depth of the jazz tradition! For the Sunday afternoon sessions at the Moldy Fig, join the group as they focus on hard-swinging instrumental and vocal classics made famous by the likes of Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra, and Ella Fitzgerald. ...